Week 01: Java Basics, Class Method, Static

1.1 Intro, Hello World Java

Introduction: What is 61B about?

  • Writing codes that runs efficiently. (Algorithms and data structures.)

  • Writing code efficiently.

First Java Program

Hello World

public class HelloWorld {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
  • All codes must be in a class.

  • Curly braces and semi-colons.

  • Variables have declared types and must be declared before use.

  • Functions must have a return type or declared as void function.

  • The compiler ensures type consistency.


The common way to run a Java program is to run it through two programs: javac and java.

$ javac HelloWorld.java
$ java HelloWorld
Hello World!

Defining Functions

Since all Java code is part of a class, we must define functions so that they belong to some class. Functions that are part of a class are commonly called "methods".

For instance, here's a piece of code in Java which defining a function that could compare two integers and return the larger one.

public class LargerDemo {
    public static int larger(int x, int y) {
        if (x > y) {
            return x;
        return y;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println(larger(8, 10));

Code Style

In this course, we will aim to make our code readable. Here are some tips to achieve that goal:

  • Consistent style

  • Comments (use // for line comments and /* and */ for block comments)

  • Avoidance of repetitive code

  • Descriptive naming (variables, functions, classes)

Moreover, we could use Javadoc to automatically generate documents.

1.2 Defining and Using Classes

Defining Classes

  • Every method is associated with some class.

  • To run a class, we must define a main method.

public class Dog {
    public static void makeNoise() {

The code above can't be run directly because there's no main method.

public class DogLauncher {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

However, the method could be called from another class.

$ java DogLauncher

Object Instantiation

  • Classes can contain not just methods, but also data, such as the size of each dog.

  • Classes can be instantiated as objects. For example, we will create a single Dog class, and then create instances of this Dog.

Here's a Dog class which provdes a blueprint of Dog objects.

public class Dog {
    // Instance variable
    public int weightInPounds; 

    // Constructor
    public Dog(int startingWeight) { 
        weightInPounds = startingWeight;

    // Non-static method (Instance method)
    public void makeNoise() {
        if (weightInPounds < 10) {
        } else if (weightInPounds < 30) {
            System.out.println("bark. bark.");
        } else {
public class DogLauncher {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Dog smallDog; // Declaration
        new Dog(20); // Instantiation
        smallDog = new Dog(5); // Instantiation and Assignment
        Dog hugeDog = new Dog(150); // Declaration. Instantiation, and Assignment
        smallDog.makeNoise(); // Invocaton
        hugeDog.makeNoise(); // The dot notation 

Array of Objects

To create an array of objects:

  • First use the new keyword to create the array.

  • Then use new again for each object that you want to put in the array.

Dog[] dogs = new Dog[2];
dogs[0] = new Dog(8);
dogs[1] = new Dog(20);

Staitc vs. Non-static

  • Static in C:

    • In function, the value of this variable is maintained every time the function is invoked

    • In a .c file, the function/global variable is only accessible in this file

  • In Jave, static generally means a variable/method "shared by every instance" and is therefore invoked by the class name.

  • Key difference between static and non-static methods:

    • Static method are invoked using the class name.

    • Instance methods are invoked using an instance name.

    • Static method can't access instance variables, but are more simple.

Sometimes, a class may contain both static and non-static methods.

public static Dog maxDog(Dog d1, Dog d2) {
	if (d1.weightInPounds > d2.weightInPounds) {
   		return d1;
	return d2;

public Dog maxDog(Dog d2) {
    if (this.weightInPounds > d2.weightInPounds) {
        return this;
    return d2;

We could declare static variables which are properties shared by all instances of the class.

public static String binomen = "Cans famliiaris";
  • An inner class can also be static. Its difference with a non-static nested class is:

    • A static nested class may be instantiated without instantiating the outer class;

    • A static inner class can only access the static members of the outer class, while a non-static class can access all the members.

  • A variable or method defined in a class is also called a member of that class.

  • Static members are accessed using class name.

  • Non-static members cannot be invoked using class name.

  • Static methods must access instance variables via a specific instance.

A deeper look at: public static void main(String[] args)

  • public: So far, all of our methods start with this keyword.

  • static: It is a static method, not associated with any particular instance.

  • void: It has no return type.

  • main: This is the name of the method.

  • String[] args: This is a parameter that is passed to the main method.

For example, this program prints out the first command line argument.

public class ArgsDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
$ java ArgsDemo these are command line arguments

Using Libraries

In CS 61B, we will use libraries include:

  • The built-in Java libraries such as Math, String, Integer, List, Map.

  • The Princeton standard library such as StdDraw, StdAudio, In.

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